Sunday 8 April 2018

Shivom presents the world with a great opportunity for everyone to know their genomic sequence.This is the right time for two important reasons;it is cheaper now to get genomic sequence done  and the business aspect, is mind blowing through smart contracts.Researchers can easily enter into smart contract agreement to use a person's genomic data and pay money to the owner of the data.Shivom also brings your doctor,pharmacists and researchers all together on one platform to discover and treat over seven thousand rare diseases in our world today using genomics sequence.Needless to mention a lot of health benefits you stand to enjoy if your genomic sequence is known.Identifying the best course of care for patients with a particular condition , prevention of disease in healthy individuals , prediction of disease risk,disease diagnosis,treatment,choice of most effective medication and dosage,disease prognosis ,identifying new drug targets.All these benefits are just a tip of the iceberg.The lists is endless but these are some important facts that shivom wants everyone who cares about their health or is business minded to know.If nothing concerns you about your health,you still get money by giving your genomic data for researchers.


This means that every individual's uniqueness is the center of attention here because medicine work with standards.This means that whenever you take a medication,you are depending on what worked for somebody in another country who was used as a standard.Genomics now is giving your doctor or pharma that data so that you can receive that individualized care.Genomics will let doctors know about all your allergies and the drugs and treatment procedures that will work for you. This is cost effective and saves a lot of time and resources.Trial and error is now thing of the past.


People can benefit a lot from the smart contracts on the shivom platform.All one has to do is to get your genomics data done and stored on the shivom platform.The person can earn a lot of money by just giving his or her data for an income for research work through smart contract agreements.


With the great shivom opportunities and good health genomics concept,people all over the world will willingly walk into a laboratory to get their genome sequence done.So genomics companies have to be well prepared and expand their facilities because the harvest shall be very great.These companies all over the world should partner with shivom to make this happen with ease.


Each individual will have private key to their data.The public cannot get access to the data without the permission of the owner.There is nothing for one to be afraid of since security is assured.



Global genetic counselling will be easily accessible.Before people get married,they will have the opportunity to receive genetic counselling.This will help to prevent the possibilities of giving birth to  children with sickle cell and hemophilia etc.Genetic mutation can also be detected and possible management for genetic syndromes like down syndrome,klinefelter's syndromes can be discovered.


  The OmiX Token: The OmiX token is a key component that enables buying, trading, incentivizing and other services. The token is the fuel of the Shivom ecosystem, as well as part of the governance of the system.

Benefits of OmiX tokens:

  •  Ability to acquire premium services in the Shivom ecosystem 
  •  Ability to acquire genome sequencing kits
  •  Ability to sponsor sequencing projects
  •  Ability to acquire access to health/fitness apps from 3rd party providers
  •  Ability to access the genome database
  •  Ability to pay donors for data/participation in research studies 
  •  Ability for service providers to use the platform 


BITCOINTALK NAME ;mimienamphine
URL LINK;u=1888047

        Shivom presents the world with a great opportunity for everyone to know their genomic sequence.This is the right time for two imp...